Thursday, July 14, 2011


Im startin a new blog. I was thinkin a fashion one... Cause this one is dull and boring. B-bye!!!

Friday, July 1, 2011

Tetra tint: volume 2

Sorry no pictures of her:(
So Crow, im sorry you had to wait so long for this you may know i have not had acsess to the computer so that is also why no pictures...

Tetra Tint has been so wonderful!!
She has grown so much more since my last blog...for those new to my blog...she is a pure white chicken, she has a little yellow/brown/orange-y beak.

She is no longer the leader...we have a rooster for that but she is still very bossy, acspecialy with the ducks.

Why is she the leader?
Well crow im not sure she was always a little bigger than the others...?
She's a pullet right?
Yes...and if the readers dont know what that is it means she is a young female chicken


So alot has been going on the farm (and for those of you wondering about tetra tint, she's doing well), yesterday our goat, Oprah, aperantly had a sore foot(hoof), my dog got her ear bit by another one of our dogs, and then my missing cat apeared on the farm...and today one of my fave chickens got attacked...something weird is going on...